How much leave-in mask should you use?
A handy dosage guide for every hair type, density, and length.

It’s one of our most-asked questions: How much of our PRO molecular repair hair mask should you use? Well, the honest answer is that it totally depends. You see, even though all hair is biologically the same, everyone’s is a bit different in its own way. And that’s what makes it beautiful.

With that said, in this article we’re going to do our best to clear up this top query once and for all. Ahead, find the optimal K18 mask dose for every unique hair type, density, and length. 

why less is more

First, a little biotech background: Our award-winning mask is powered by the clinically proven K18PEPTIDE™, and it’s designed to work on the molecular level for all hair types. K18’s chemists follow a less-is-more formulation mentality, hence why it’s highly concentrated, and you only need to use a minimal amount for it to work its magic in 4 minutes flat.*  

It’s special because of its speed and efficacy, but also because it offers immediate and progressive results–which is satisfying for both PROs and their clients, especially if supplemented with at-home masking

why hair type, length, + density matters

In most cases, the more hair someone has, the more pumps of the mask you’ll need to use. But it’s not always that cut-and-dry. For instance, a client may have fine hair but a lot of it. Or perhaps they have curly hair but it’s on the thinner side. Similarly, maybe their stands are short but they ask you to bleach them super often. All of these discrepancies will influence how much of the mask their hair actually needs. 

Now, for the part you’ve all been waiting (and asking!) for.

use a ½  pump if… 

You’re working with super short or fine, thin strands that air-dry fairly quickly and within minutes with a blow-dryer. It might seem like a tiny amount, but it will repair damage from bleach + color, chemical services and heat* without weighing hair down. And remember: Always trust your professional judgement. Meaning, if you don’t feel like it’s enough you can always add a bit more. 

use 1 to 2 pumps if…

You’re working with short thick hair, fine wavy/curly hair, chemically treated hair, or medium-thick long hair. How damaged the hair is matters, too. For example, if their hair is short and fine but it’s bleached, it’s likely it will benefit from 1.5 to 2 full pumps. As always, if in doubt, start small with 1 pump, and build up to 2 if needed. 

use around 3 pumps if… 

You’re working with ultra-thick, medium-to-long, or curly-coily hair that takes forever and a day to dry. Start at 2.5 and work up to 3 pumps max, but don’t be tempted to go beyond that amount. As noted above, the mask is highly concentrated, which means it *is* possible to go overboard and weigh hair down with too much. For severely damaged hair, send clients home with this mask and the recommendation use it for a minimum of 4-6 washes post-salon service.


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professional molecular repair mask
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